Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week 18 Lesson Plans

Sight Words:
all, was, funny

Reading Skills:
Shared Reading- sequencing the story. We are enjoying reading books related to Christmas this week.
Guided/Independent Reading- Stetchy Snake is helping us S-t-r-e-t-ch the words so we can hear all the letter sounds.

Writing Skills:
We are continuing writing our "How to Make a Gingerbread Baby". The students are looking forward to bringing their recipe books home so they can make cookies before Christmas!

Social Studies: Christmas Traditions Around the World
We are visiting Japan, Australia, and Mexico. Check our blog for updates from our adventures!

We are comparing numbers greater than/ less than, counting on from a given number, and showing numbers greater than/less than a given number.

Skills to Practice at Home
Practice Sight Words
all, funny, was
*Make flash cards.
*Use the words in a sentence.
*Write words in rainbow colors
Practice counting to 70.
Use flash cards to identify numbers 0-20, especially the teens.
Watch our "Tricky Teens" video and sing along!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent Calendar

It can be difficult to incorporate math in our PBLs, but when an opportunity comes we jump at it! Our students learned that like many of us, the German children have Advent Calendars to count down to Christmas. We created an Advent Calendar in one of our math lessons. The boys and girls had to put numbers in order 1-25 in order to create the calendar. 

Now, we are enjoying counting down the days to Christmas using our very own Advent Calendar. 

Christmas Around the World- Germany

This week, we spent a few days in Germany. We learned that their flag is black, red, and gold. The flag is in honor of the soldier's uniforms soldiers' uniforms which were black coats with red braids and gold buttons.
German Flag
We also learned that they start the Christmas season by giving to others. In an effort to continue this tradition, we are collecting items for our community. Germans were among the first to decorate Christmas trees and make gingerbread men and houses.
We are currently writing  "How to Make a Gingerbread Baby" in our Writer's Workshop. Check back soon to see our process and finished products!
The last tradition that we learned from Germany is Christmas Caroling. We decided to practice this tradition by caroling for our assisstant principal, Mrs. Skinner. Enjoy this sweet video!
Next week, we will spend time in Japan, Australia, and Mexico. Check back to see our great adventures!

Room 202 Friends and the Tricky Teens Rap!

We are so amazed by how much the Tricky Teens video has helped our young mathematicians. Enjoy our class singing the Tricky Teens Rap!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tricky Teens

We are working on those "TrickyTeens" this week. We noticed that all teens start with 1. We wondered why they all start with 1. Brooks explained that the 1 means one whole tens frame is full! What a great explanation!
He than chose a teen number to prove his answer. 

Here's a link to a Tricky Teens video:

Week 17- Lesson Plans

Sight Words:
have, jump, not, run

Reading Skill:
Shared Reading/Read Aloud- Sequencing the story from beginning to end
Guided Reading/Independent Reading- Stretchy Snake: stretch out the words to hear each letter sound.

Math Skills:
Recognizing teen numerals
Comparing greater than, less than, and equal to.

Writing Workshop:
Write How To books- sequencing the details

Social Studies:
Christmas traditions around the world: We will compare how we celebrate Christmas to other children around the world.

Skills to Work on at Home

  • Practice Sight words- have, jump, run, not.
    • You  can write words in rainbow colors, find the words in magazines, write sentences using the words, or find the words in your 100 B.C. books
  • Practice recognizing teen numerals
    • You can make flash cards to help with this skill.
  • Be sure to check our blog daily for posts on our Christmas Around the World unit to help lead conversations about what your child is learning at school.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

How to Make Fruit Salad

This week, we are learning all about how to write "How To" books. We started our writing unit by making yummy fruit salad. We wrote our steps as a class during the process.

We learned how important it is to add details in our "how to" books...

We need to peel and cut the bananas before adding them! 

Our fruit salad recipe was delicious. Our students wanted to make it at home, so we wrote a fruit salad recipe book. 

For your enjoyment...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Our Five Senses

We started our unit by reading this book.
We discussed our Five senses and the importance of having senses. 

Today, the students participated in an activity where they were blind-folded and had to navigate their way outside, with help of a partner. 

After spending a few minutes without our sense of seeing, the students described their experiences with each other. 

Here are two responses from our friends. 

Fun With Math!

Here are a few pictures from our math workshop today.

Lots of fun math activities happening! We love integrating Christmas in math! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I enjoyed spending time with my family, decorating for Christmas, enjoying a Gamecock victory, and shopping. Here are a few reflections of our boys' and girls' Thanksgiving.
Lily went to her grandma's house. 

Abby enjoyed time with her dad. 

Matthew put up his Christmas trees. 

Colten had a feast. 

Great writing and great Thanksgiving memories! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

300 Steps!

Look at these awesome readers who have reached 300 steps!!!! Congrats to Matthew, Colten, Caleigh, and Alliyah!

A Pilgrim's Home

Before Thanksgiving, we learned a lot of information on Pilgrims and Native Americans. We know that the Pilgrims sailed the seas for over 2 months to come to The New World that they named Plymouth Rock. The first types of homes they built were called Common Houses made with logs and straw. We built a model of the Common House for our reading center.

Construction! (Organized chaos!)

Our Common House